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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Graphic Designing - Introduction


What is Design?

Photo by Fakurian Design on Unsplash

To understand the Graphic design, we need to know about Design

      “Design is a problem solving activity” We solve our problem with the help of design process.

       “Design is a plan map or drawing” which is use to define shape & purpose

       “Design is to present Idea in visual form”

Design is an arrangement of elements in such a way that it serves a function/purpose and holds a specific form / shape.


Art is the process that artist express his viewpoint, ask political or social question or could be used for environment beauty/decoration purpose.

Mr. Gavin Ambrose has defined the Graphic Design in his book “The fundamentals of graphic design” 

Graphic design is a creative visual art

discipline that encompasses many areas. It may

include art direction, typography, page layout,

information technology and other creative aspects.

This variety means that there is a fragmented

landscape for design practice within which

designers may specialise and focus.”

 What is Process of Designing?

As we discussed about the design that it is solution of the problem but it is also a process which increase value of any product or service.

Prof. Rolf Faste from Stanford university USA has presented a theory in earlier days’ called “Design Thinking Process” He define 6 steps which helps a graphic design in designing process of anything.

Design Thinking Process

  1. Empathize: Research on target audience. Collect information about your target audience & understand the need of your user. you should gain an empathetic understanding of the problem you are trying to solve through user research.
  2. Define: Define the core problem based on the information gathered during the Empathize stage.
  3. Ideate: Analyzing the idea by brain storming & develop ideas.  
  4. Prototype: The experimental phase – Start to create solutions of each problem found. Create a model design based on your idea & data research.
  5. Test: Present your model to the public & get their feedback & reviews about the design, so that you can see where your prototype works well & where it required improvement. Finalize your design with improvement & eradicate the available problems.

What is Graphic Designing?

The American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) defined the graphic design as

“The art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.”  

Design without functionality is incomplete. Function of Graphic Design is to convey a message or to communicate a message. When communicating a message via graphic design it’s not only words, we convey message with the help of visual which is very easy to understand. When communicating a message, it must have purpose like,

                To inform

                To educate

                To persuade

When you see a poster about an event, it means the poster is paste to inform the people about the mentioned event.

When you see social awareness poster like “Save water “poster near water tap it means the poster is pasted to educate the people to save water.

When you see a commercial poster about a product it means that the manufacture or supplier is trying to persuade you to buy their product.

Basic Fundamental concept of Graphic Design

i) Elements of Design

Elements of Design

It is very important to be aware the basic elements of graphic design for better understanding the meaning of Graphic Design, they are used in combination or opposition with each other to create impactful designs. Elements of design are called the building blocks of designThe graphic design elements include;

  • Line - the path of a moving point
  • Shape - the contour of a flat object
  • Typography - the visual depiction of language
  • Form - a 3D object that has depth
  • Texture - the tactile quality of a surface
  • Space - the internal/external area of an object

ii) Principles of Design

Principles of Design

The basic principle of design that helps you create awesome design.

  • Balance - a distribution of equal visual weight
  • Alignment - an arrangement forming a straight line
  • Unity - the arrangement of elements to create a feeling of completeness
  • Emphasis - visual prominence in design. Emphasis creates a focal point in a design        composition to bring attention to what important in it.
  • Contrast - the arrangement of opposite element and effects. High contrast can help draw attention of the viewers to the most important part of the design.
  • Proportion - scaling objects in relation to each other
  • Pattern - an orderly repetition of an element
  • Movement/Rhythm - a directed path of optical motion

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